Problems an Inspector May Uncover from a Home Inspection

Are you thinking about getting a home inspection?   Are you curious what a home inspector may discover on a home inspection for your home or one that you are interested in?  Here are are many of the possible issues an inspector may find from a home inspection.

  • Damage to Roofing/Shingles
  • HVAC/Heating System
  • Plumbing and Well-Water
  • Structural/Foundational
  • Electrical/Wiring Issues
  • Safety Guidelines/Local Regulations
  • Water Damage
  • Ventilation/Radon Levels

Damage to roofing/shingles

Anything on the roof that could cause future problems will be reported in the inspection. Common types of damage include damaged or missing shingles, faulty gutters, or even structural damages to the roof itself. It's important to keep an eye on your roof throughout your time with a home, especially during phases with poor weather such as hail and high winds. Damage to your roofing can lead to water leaks and will exacerbate over time. Damaged shingles can cause water damage and even leak to different parts of your home. Even though you can't see your roof, it might be useful to get a quick inspection every once in a while to ensure your roof and gutters are still in good shape. 

HVAC/Heating System

Heating and cooling are complex systems that seem to fail more often than we'd like. Have you ever noticed that they stop working as soon as you need them the most? Keeping up with your HVAC systems and having them serviced before you need them is the best way to prevent future problems. For example, you don't want to discover issues with your heater after the temperature starts to drop. Likewise, there's nothing worse than your A/C unit randomly stopping during the hottest week of the summer. A helpful hint would be to have a yearly tuneup for you A/C in the late winter and have your heater prepped in the fall before the temperature starts to fall. You might also have a professional look at your units before you have an inspection to prevent any unnecessary surprises. 

Plumbing and Well-Water/Radon Levels

Many people don't realize that inspectors test different environmental levels, such as radon. Leaks in your pipes or water wells could lead to unsafe radon levels. It can be pricey to get these levels under control, and it could turn away a potential buyer if they find out that toxic gas levels are high. It might not be a bad idea to have a yearly radon test done to ensure everything is under control because it can be difficult and expensive to get the gas levels down once they reach a certain level. Different plumbing leaks can lead to water damage and even compromise your home's structure if it goes too long without being addressed. 


Structural damage sounds scary and detrimental, but it's more common than you'd think, especially in older homes. Any combination of issues can lead to structural damage, but the most common cause is your home settling over time. What can be so frustrating is that there's nothing you can do about your home settling, as it's an unavoidable natural occurrence. Typical outcomes from a house settling over time are random cracks or seams in your walls and ceilings, gaps in your window frames, porches pulling away from the home, water damage from leaks or cracks in the exterior, and cracks in the foundation. Foundational cracks can be pricey as they can lead to radon and other gasses rising through the soil underneath your home. 

Electrical/Wiring Issues

Some electrical issues are above my pay grade. Whether you're a certified electrician or have some other skills that don't include wiring complicated electrical instruments might determine whether or not you keep up with your home's wiring and electrical issues. Some outlets and/or light fixtures may go out and, if you're like me, you just ignore it because it's not essential to your daily life. An inspection will undoubtedly discover any electrical or wiring issues that you've been neglecting. Fixing the electrical issues before a buyer has an inspection could save you the heartache of a buyer requesting way more closing credit than necessary to resolve a simple outlet that doesn't work. 

Safety Guidelines/Local Regulations

There are an unspeakable amount of safety guidelines and local regulations that you wouldn't know about until you had an inspection. For example, every staircase needs a handrail, and there can be no lead-based paint anywhere in the home. Also, there have to be locks on every exterior door and window for safety purposes. Simple nuances that an inspector will mark on an inspection that you may not realize if you've lived in the home for years. It may not be necessary at the time, but it could be the difference between whether or not you can sell your home. 

Water Damage

Water damage can occur from poor drainage of rainwater, roof damage, or any leaking internal pipes. Standing water outside of your home can damage the exterior and compromise the foundation. On the interior, if you have any pipes leaking or standing water, it can rot wood beams or lead to mold and mildew that can cause health issues. In other words, current water damage or past signs of water leaks like stains or rotting wood will likely be reported on the inspection. Buyers are wary of water damage because it is hard to get rid of and can wreak havoc on the home if not adequately addressed. 


Inspectors will look to make sure there are exhaust fans and proper ventilation in necessary areas such as kitchens and bathrooms. They will also check to make sure carbon monoxide levels are normal and that there are windows in all the bedrooms. There also has to be a way to cool down an area in every bedroom, including a window, fan, or A/C unit. If anything can produce fumes, the inspector will make sure that the exhaust systems and ventilation are operable and that the fume levels are normal, and there are no concerns. 


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