What is Home Staging and Why Should I Do It? [Home Selling Tips]

Real estate agents have found that staging your home is a valuable asset to quickly gain interest in your home. Many homebuyers are looking for a home that they can see themselves moving into quickly. A house that needs updates is definitely a turnoff, but it goes further than that. Buyers visualize how they would use the space in each room. What works for you might not be appealing to them. So, arranging furniture in a way that shows off the room is the best way for someone to see themself using that space. 

What is home staging? 

  • Setting up your house in a way that is attractive to buyers. 

Why should I hire a professional stager/interior designer?

  • Staging your home could help you sell your home faster and increase the perceived value of your home.

How much does it cost to stage my home? 

  • It varies depending on the size of your home and how much you're willing to spend. The cost may include hiring a staging professional and renting furniture and/or decorations. You can expect to pay anywhere from $2,000 to $5,000, but the return on investment is worth it. 

You decorate your home based on what you like. You also have it set up for functionality rather than attractiveness. You have to live in your home every day, so you arrange your furniture and decorations based on what works best for you. One common misconception when selling a home is that homebuyers will "look past" your furniture and decorations to see the home's true bones. I mean, they're not buying your furniture, right? 

What is Home Staging? 

In short, home staging is setting up your house in a way that is attractive to buyers. There are many different ways to stage a home, and it varies depending on the size and style of the house. There really isn't a perfect science for home staging, which is why it might be a good idea to hire a staging professional who knows what is appealing to buyers.

One option for home staging ideas is asking your real estate agent what similar houses in your area have done to prepare their homes. Sometimes, it may be good enough to rearrange your furniture and take down your more personal decorations. In other areas, it may be the case where they'll recommend renting furniture and decorations to give your home a new look. Whatever the case, there are usually some adjustments you can make to give your home a look that will be appealing to most buyers. 

Why Should I Hire a Professional Stager/Interior Designer?

In a competitive market, having an attractive interior could be the difference between a fast close and a long wait. If there are many options on the market, buyers are more likely to flock to homes that have an interior that "wows" them and stands out. A professional stager can give your home the facelift it needs to stand out from the crowd and get tons of potential buyers in the house for a tour. 

An agent can give recommendations and provide valuable insight into what other sellers have been doing to stage their homes. They might also know what is selling quickly and what has taken a long time to sell. Once they communicate this information, you'll have a better idea of what areas to emphasize and what parts you should rearrange. Ultimately, a home stager can work with your realtor to determine what will look best.  

Many buyers use online listing platforms to find homes they want to tour. Nowadays, sellers rely on a great first impression to get buyers into their homes. A great marketing campaign can help, but part of a great marketing campaign includes attractive pictures of your interior. Curb appeal is important, but once they swipe right on the pictures, they're looking inside your whole home. The better your interior pictures look, the more likely they are to request a tour. A professional stager will give you a better shot at catching the buyers' eyes and securing that home tour. 

Finally, staging your home can increase the perceived value of your home. If someone can see themself living in your home, they'll be willing to pay more for it. If the market is competitive, you could have multiple buyers get into a bidding war over your home. A staged home is one that will stand out over non-staged homes. As we said earlier, a home that stands out will get more interest, which gives it a higher value. Also, the faster you sell the house, the less time you have to pay for the usual expenses of owning the home. 

How Much Should I Spend on Staging? 

On average, a seller can expect to spend $2,000 to $5,000 if they commit to staging. Most realtors will agree that this is a wise investment because you can get a great return on investment. It varies depending on the size of your home and how much you're willing to spend. The cost may include hiring a staging professional and renting furniture and/or decorations. The goal of staging is to declutter, organize, and modernize your home to be more appealing. Some homes will require more resources than others. At a minimum, real estate professionals suggest staging at least the living room and one or two bedrooms. You can leave the rest of the rooms to the buyer's imagination. 

The more work you put into updating and staging your home, the more the buyer will appreciate your home. The degree of staging may depend on your area as well. If you live in a high-end neighborhood, you may need to invest in some luxury items and refurbish your home. Interior designers can offer recommendations on cozy yet fashionable furniture that can take your home to the next level. On the other hand, if you live in a rural or suburban area, you may look for a more modern or rustic style than luxury. Luxury items are likely to be more expensive, but they might be necessary if you want to sell your home for its full value. 

It's okay if you're still on the fence about hiring a staging professional to prepare your home to sell. Speak with your realtor about how much work they think you need to do on your home. The return on investment for staging a home is becoming more attractive because buyers search for photos online and desire a move-in ready home. If you do the staging right, you may get a great return on investment. 



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